Steal Like an Artist 03

10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

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Write the Book You Want to Read.

Write what you know like.

The movie Jurassic Park came out on my tenth birthday. I loved it. The minute I left the theater, I was dying for a sequel, so I sat down the next day at our old PC and typed one out. In my treatment, the son of the game warden eaten by Velociraptors goes back to the island with the granddaughter of the guy who built the park. One of them wants to destroy the rest of the park, the other wants to save it. Of course, they fall in love and adventures ensue.

Words & phrases

be dying for: 非常渴望:形容对某事物或某种情况的强烈渴望。

I would be dying for help if my computer broke down.


sequel / ˈsiːkwəl / n.(书、电影、戏剧等的)续篇,续集;后果,结局

The sequel will finally unveil the family secret of why Po's father is a duck.


treatment n.对待,待遇;处理,讨论;治疗,医治;(净化或防治)处理,加工;护理,护理品;<非正式>极致; 对待,待遇

The treatment is painless.


warden n.区长;看守人;典狱官;学监

He was a warden at the local parish church.


Velociraptor: / vəˈlɑːsɪræptər / 迅猛龙

Small animals such as velociraptors that have generally been thought to be dinosaurs are more likely flightless birds.



  • n.冒险(经历),奇遇;冒险的刺激,冒险欲;<古>生意

  • v.冒险;大胆说出;去(某地)探险

She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.


ensue v.继而发生,因而发生;追求

If we can't bring our problems under control, feelings of powerlessness and despair often ensue.




I didn’t know it at the time, but I was writing what we now call fan fictionfictional stories based on characters that already exist.

Words & phrases

at the time 在当时

He was a famous actor at the time.


fan fiction: 同人小说、粉丝小说、同仁小说

同人小说(FAN FICTION),指的是利用原有的漫画、动画、小说、影视作品中的人物角色、故事情节或背景设定等元素进行的二次创作小说。同人小说一般是以网络小说为载体,近年来,伴随体育人物、娱乐人物、政治人物等社会人物的高密集度曝光,同人小说中的真人同人小说也逐渐兴起。

fictional adj.虚构的,小说(中)的

Almost all fictional detectives are unreal.




Ten-year-old me saved the story to the hard drive. A few years later, Jurassic Park II finally came out. And it sucked. The sequel always sucks compared to the sequel in our heads.

Words & phrases


  • v.吸,吮,啜;含在嘴里吸食;抽,吸(空气或液体);(空气或液体的压力)将……卷入,吞没;使卷入;<非正式>糟糕,差劲;收紧,收缩(身体某部分);把(空气或烟)吸进肺部;吸纳,吸收,吸取;巴结;(水泵)空抽

  • n.吮,吸,啜;(水流的)冲刷声

Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry.


And it sucked.


it sucks.


  • The weather today is terrible, it sucks.

  • 今天的天气太糟糕了,糟糕透了。



The question every young writer at some point asks is: “What should I write?” And the standard answer is, “Write what you know.” This advice always leads to terrible stories in which nothing interesting happens.

Words & phrases

at some point 在某个时间点;在一个不确定的时间点

I will visit Paris at some point in the future.



不要write what you know. 那样会leads to terrible stories.

“My interest in making music has been to create something that does not exist that I would like to listen to. I wanted to hear music that had not yet happened, by putting together things that suggested a new thing which did not yet exist.”
—Brian Eno

We make art because we like art. We’re drawn to certain kinds of work because we’re inspired by people doing that work. All fiction, in fact, is fan fiction.

Words & phrases

be drawn to: 被……所吸引

It's possible that some hiring managers may be drawn to candidates with a particular educational résumé, but it's no guarantee.


The best advice is not to write what you know, it’s to write what you like. Write the kind of story you like best—write the story you want to read. The same principle applies to your life and your career: Whenever you’re at a loss for what move to make next, just ask yourself, “What would make a better story?”

Words & phrases

at a loss 困惑、不知所措或不知道如何应对某种情况

I was at a loss for words when she told me the news.



写你喜欢的,不要写你知道的。写你想要去看的。当你at a loss, ask yourself, 怎样才能写出更好的故事!

Bradford Cox, a member of the band Deerhunter, says that when he was a kid he didn’t have the Internet, so he had to wait until the official release day to hear his favorite band’s new album. He had a game he would play: He would sit down and record a “fake” version of what he wanted the new album to sound like. Then, when the album came out, he would compare the songs he’d written with the songs on the real album. And what do you know, many of these songs eventually became Deerhunter songs.


when the album came out, he would compare the songs he’d written with the songs on the real album.

When we love a piece of work, we’re desperate for more. We crave sequels. Why not channel that desire into something productive?

Words & phrases

a piece of work 一个工作:指一项任务或项目。

I have a piece of work to finish by the end of the day.


be desperate for 渴望得不得了:非常迫切地渴望某事物或情况的发生。

The player himself is said to be desperate for a move ever since he and Ranieri took snipes at each other through the press over the club's refusal to grant him an improved deal.


crave v.渴望;<旧>恳求,请求

I must crave your pardon.


channel sth. into 将某物引导到特定的方向或用途:将某物导向特定的目标、领域或活动中。







Think about your favorite work and your creative heroes. What did they miss? What didn’t they make? What could’ve been made better? If they were still alive, what would they be making today? If all your favorite makers got together and collaborated, what would they make with you leading the crew?

Words & phrases

collaborate: v.合作,协作;勾结,通敌

She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography.



  • n.全体船员,全体机组人员;一组工作人员;一伙人,一帮人;全体划船队员;赛艇运动;<美,非正式>(尤指演奏车库音乐的)一群乐师

  • v.当船员,当空乘人员

He always dreamt of leading his own crew, calling the shots, making the decisions.



what did they miss?

what didn't they make?

what could've been made better?


  • If all your favorite makers got together and collaborated, what would they make with you leading the crew?

Go make that stuff.

The manifesto is this: Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use—do the work you want to see done.

Words & phrases

manifesto / ˌmænɪˈfestoʊ /

  • n.(尤指政党的)宣言,声明

  • v.发表宣言

The Republicans are currently drawing up their election manifesto.



Do the work you want to see done!